
Posts Tagged ‘memories’

Where did the summer go?  I have definitely not soaked up enough of it for it to be slipping away.  This summer my oldest boy is 5, my youngest boy is 2, and my sweet baby girl is 9 months old.  There will never be another summer like this one.  It is the first summer my youngest is talking.  It is the last summer my baby will not be walking.  It will be the last summer I will have two kids in diapers (one can hope!).  It is the last summer before real school starts for this family of five.

Everyone tells you that time flies when your kids are young.  It is so true.  I realize, fortunately, that this is the time to remember.  Thanks, Billy Joel.  Even though the days fly by with snacks, diapers, sippy cups, sticky fingers, hugs, kisses, and time-outs, it’s important to take the time to reflect and enjoy.  I will never get this time back.  That’s the biggest reason I’m staying home.

My best friend, Joanne, and I had a conversation a couple of years ago about whether either of us would have a third child (spoiler alert, we each now have two boys and a baby girl).  Ahem, back to the story.

We were a bit wistful thinking that our littlest boys would be our last babies.  In the midst of our conversation, she said something that I will always remember:  It’s natural to feel sadness when you know you won’t have any more children.  It’s a shift in your life.  You are no longer having babies, you’re raising a family.  Truer words couldn’t be said.  My days of up all night are over.  Hopefully.  My days of burp cloths and bouncy chairs are over.  This is really okay with me.  But just because it is true, and I am not looking back, doesn’t mean I want it to go so darn fast!!!  So, in honor of that, I am making a (short, I mean, we’re talking a mere number of days left!) list of what I want to accomplish before the summer officially ends.

In these last few weeks of summer, I will:

1.  spend more time in the back yard, watching my kids playing in the pool and sandbox

2.  dole out more otter pops!

3.  make homemade popsicles

4.  go to the local water park at least three more times

5.  go on more late evening and early morning walks

6.  take more pictures with my all-grown-up SLR camera

I guess I’d better get busy!

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